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One’s natural lens lets light into the eye and focuses the light onto the retina. It is like a lens in a camera, which lets light in and focuses it. A cataract is a clouding, discoloration and hardening of one’s natural lens that commonly happens as people age. .


The Problem

This cloudiness can cause blurry or hazy vision, difficulty seeing in low light and trouble with glare. People often describe more difficulty with night driving.

Cataracts often develop slowly with age, but can be due to other factors like injury, medications, or certain medical conditions. Inflammation in the eye or pervious eye surgery can also cause cataract.

The Procedure

Cataract surgery involves a small wound in the cornea or the front of the eye; the wound is so small that it self-seals.  If one thinks of a cataract like an orange, there is the peel and then there is the inside.  A circle is made in the top of the peel and that is removed, the inside is removed, and the rest of the peel is kept.  This peel is now shaped like a bag with an opening in the top.  An artificial lens is folded through the corneal wound at the front of the eye and placed in this bag.  The artificial lens stays in forever and cannot be changed.

There are different types of lenses offered within Clearview Eye Centre. In Alberta, a standard lens is fully covered. Premium lenses can correct astigmatism and provide some near vision. With premium lenses, most people can do most things without glasses.  However, glasses can provide this and sometimes will be needed even with premium lenses. When meeting with Clearview Eye Centre counsellors, they will advise you of your different options and help you choose which option may be best suited for you.

This service is offered by both Dr. Feisal Adatia and Dr. Ryan Yau.

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Cataract surgery is the most common of all surgeries performed.  It is very safe.  However, there is a 1 in a thousand risk of bleeding or infection.  Rarely, less than 0.5% of the time an alternate position may need to be used for the lens; this still should provide good vision.  Less than 1 in 500 cases an additional surgery may be needed should part of the lens fall to the back of the eye.  Dr. Adatia is a retina specialist that also performs this surgery.

It is normal for the eye to feel itchy or scratchy for a few days after surgery.  Although the vision can improve in a few days, it takes six weeks for the vision to stabilize. Patients sometimes still need glasses for distance but usually always require glasses for reading. Patients are encouraged to wait six weeks before getting new glasses.

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